Cultivating a Green World

Our Products


Kerapeat C-Pom is produced from coir pith extracted from decomposed coconut husks using fungus called pleurotus and certain bacteria. It Contains macro elements like Nitrogen,Phosphorous,and Pottasium. It improves the soil to enhance its organic part and its structure. It ensures the availability and utilisation of the nutrients. The enzymes and hormones present in the C-Pom help the growth and desease resistance of the plants. It intencifies the productivity of the soil and it is a safe basic organic manure for all kinds of crops.


Kerapeat Compost is a complete organic manure added with trichoderma,a fungus and pseudomonas a kind of bacteria. Bone meal and neem cake are also mixed in it to enhance the microbial action. The presence of microbes in the compost improves pest and disease resistance of crops.


Kerapeat Supermeal is a rich organic manure which is a mixture of Kerapeat C-Pom,bonemeal,neem cake,bengalgram oil cake,rock phosphate,leather meal,and certain other substances that can ensure the availability of the micro nutrients like magnesium,calcuim,zinc,borone,copper and manganese . Kerapeat Supermeal ensures better yield from all crops.


Kerapeat Potting Mixture,a scientifically prepared planting medium. It is a combination of Kerapeat C-Pom, Soil,Lime,Cowdung,BoneMeal,NeemCake,RockPhosphate,and Micro Nutrients. On the basis of the type of crop,this mixture can be filled in growbags or earthen pots of different sizes for farming. This is also suitable for terrace or polyhouse farming. It can be used repeatedly by adding Kerapeat Supermeal.


It is a product of Kerapeat prepared to use as a mulching material which is the most suitable medium for the retention of the moisture at root of the plants. It is the sieved out material containing tiny coir fibre and large particles of C-pom. It can be used intermittently while filling the potting mixture in grow bags, it helps to prevent elevation of temperature of the potting mixture in growbags, better water holding and air circulation. It also prevent filling material in grow bags from hardening and clogging.


Our grow bags are filled with soil, organic manure, bone meal, cowdung, neem cake, lime, rock phosphet, compost and micro nutrients.




The Nutrient Status in KERAPEAT Supermeal
Nitrogen 4%-4.5%
phosphorus 3.2%-4.2%
Potassium 4.2%-4.6%
Calcium 0.53%
Magnesium 0.2%
Sulphur 100 ppm
Iron 30 ppm
Manganese 10 ppm
Zinc 20 ppm
Copper 10 ppm
Borone 5 ppm
Molybdnum 5 ppm
Organic Carbon 22.5%
Carbon Nitrogen Combination 20:1
P.H. 6.8
Electrical Conductivity 0.10 Milliimhos/cm
Salinity 0 ppt


Usage of Kerapeat Supermeal
Paddy 5 Kg/Cent
Coconut 2.5 kg/tree
Yielding upto 3 Years 1.5 kg /Plant
Rubber 2 kg/tree
Vanilla 3 Kg/Plant
Black pepper 2 kg/Plant
Cardomum 1kg/plant
Plantain 1 kg/Plant
Arecanut(Yielding) 2 kg/Tree
Cashew(Yielding) 3 kg/Tree
Mango(Yielding) 2 kg/Tree
Pineapple 5 kg/Cent
Sugarcane 5 kg/Cent
Betal Vine 10 kg/Cent
Coffee(Yielding). 1Kg/Plant
Tea 2 kg/Plant
Nutmeg 2 kg/Cent
Ginger/Turmeric 10kg/Cent
Tuber Crops 3kg/Cent
Cucurbits 3 kg/Cent
Brinjal 5 kg/Cent
Amaranthus 5 kg/Cent
Lady's finger 3 kg/cent

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